This is my latest project for Creative Inspiration using the following sketch. For this project, I decided to feature two of my favorite pictures of my youngest daughter on two different Christmases. She has food allergies, so when she find something she can eat, she is in heaven. When she finds something she REALLY likes, she turns into Buddy the Elf. I found her squirting icing in her mouth one time when she was building a gingerbread house. Then a few years later, I found her chugging a 2 liter of cranberry ginger ale. (I promise I did teach her table manners). Every time I see these pictures, I envision Will Farrell eating spaghetti with maple syrup downing a 2 liter of coke and then belching the burp of all burps. These are definitely two of my favorite Christmas pictures of her of all time because of the image they conjure in my head. To pull this project together, I used a variety of Doodlebug Design Christmas theme papers. I liked how the sketch used strips of paper which allowed me to use a variety of printed papers without overwhelming the project. To finish this up, I used a eyelets and some baker's twine to secure ornaments down the side of the page to give the project an extra Christmas vibe.
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Monday, December 9, 2019
This is my latest project for Use Your Stuff. This week's challenge asked us to use this mood board of mint green items as inspiration. I must be honest, I like mint green, but it's not my usual go-to color. So this was one of those projects that had to stretch me a bit creatively. As I was trying to figure out what to feature in my project, I came across this picture of my daughter standing in a gazebo about two Christmases ago with a mint green light shining down on her. I loved the minty glow and thought it would be perfect for this project. I dug into my stash and found the perfect mint green paper in the Crate Paper "Snow and Cocoa" collection to accent the picture. I was also inspired by this sketch from my former design team 2 Broke Girls when putting this project together.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
This is my latest project for Creative Inspiration using the following Sunday Sketch. This week I was inspired by a picture of my daughters taken at one of our favorite restaurants called "The Golden Lamb." It's the state of Ohio's oldest operating business. It's one of those places that when you walk into the building, you literally feel as if you have stepped back in time. Several famous people including Abraham Lincoln and Charles Dickens have stayed at the Golden Lamb. My girls and I love to wander the halls looking at all the rooms, antiques, and pictures. To pull this project together, I used a variety of papers from Kaisercraft's "Christmas Edition" collection because I loved the antique vibe of the paper.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
This is my latest project for Creative Inspiration using the following sketch. When I saw the boxes on the sketch, it reminded me of a Mid Century Modern design. I've been waiting to use this picture of my daughter taken back in the Spring after she watched "On the Basis of Sex" about the life of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. My daughter loves all things politics. She adored this movie and Ruth Bader Ginsburg's style. After she watched the movie, she went upstairs to get ready to go out with her friends. She came downstairs sporting a Ruth Bader Ginsburg scarf circa 1970 as happy as can be with her new accessory. As a history teacher Mom, my heart burst with joy. To pull this project together, I used a variety of paper from Ella & Viv's "Mid Century Modern" collection since when I think of the 1970's, I think of this design style.
This is my project for Creative Inspiration's 12 Days of Christmas Challenge. Each of the design team members created a project for the first twelve days of the month of December, and I am the line leader with December 1. I like to create projects that are useful and easy for anyone to recreate. Honestly, I have issues following directions. If I can do this, anyone can. I found this project on Pinterest (directions below) and thought it would be perfect to feature for this project. I selected Doodlebug Design 6x6 "Santa Express" paper because that was the size needed to fold the paper into the gift card folder. To keep all the folds in place, I used a red brad. Finally, I included a few Doodlebug Design Christmas cardstock stickers and this project was done. I plan on using this project as a Secret Santa gift for work later this month.
Monday, November 25, 2019
This is my latest project for Use Your Stuff. With this week being Thanksgiving, our theme is to create a project featuring something you are thankful for in your life. I knew immediately what I wanted to feature for my project. My daughter broke her leg in September. She has been sidelined for the past two months while her bone heals. As devastated as she's been to have her soccer season come to an abrupt end, what has been incredible to see and experience has been the amount of love that has encompassed her. She has an amazing network of friends especially from her club soccer team. When she was brought into the hospital, her club team friends were right there holding her hand during the worst of the pain. Featured in this project are two of her best friends who have been her rocks throughout this ordeal who also had to spend some time in crutches this past fall. Words can not express how thankful my husband and I are for my daughter's friends keeping her spirits up during her recovery. We are all blessed beyond measure to be surrounded by such incredible people. To pull this project together, I used a variety of papers from Doodlebug Design's "So Much Pun" collection since the theme is my daughter recovering from an injury. I was also inspired by the following sketch from my former design team "2 Broke Girls" when pulling this project together.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Friday, November 15, 2019
This is another layout I did for the Creative Inspiration Fall themed Mini Crop where I took on the challenge of creating a project with layers. I love Halloween paper. It's my scrapbook store downfall...I will buy it all if I don't exercise some self control. So for this project, I decided to layer some of my favorite papers from Crate Paper's "Hey Pumpkin" line. My daughter was the cutest witch back when she was a tiny girl. I thought she would be the perfect subject matter to highlight with all these adorable Halloween themed papers. I also layered a variety of embellishments on this page as well. To pull the project together, I used the October 6 Sunday Sketch because I loved how it incorporated so many layers in the final product.
This is my creation for the Creative Inspiration November Mini Crop where I took on the Halloween/Fall Colors challenge. Back in June, my cousin and I took a girl's trip to New England. We explored a variety of cities and states in the area, but hands down, our favorite stop was Salem, Massachusetts. As a History teacher, I wanted to see the site of the Salem Witch Trials for myself. The city of Salem does an incredible job embracing its past and making a dark part of American History into a positive learning experience. One of our stops was the Salem Witch Museum where we watched a play about how the accusations of a few young girls led to the Witch Trials. (None of the people accused were "witches;" those accused were simply people who were easy targets and accused of crimes they did not commit). Later that night, we were exploring a local store when I saw was this bundle of brooms by the door. I said to my cousin, "Look! It's the parking lot!" (Witch humor...) With all the witch memorabilia and souvenirs, Salem truly is "Halloween Town" which I thought would be the perfect subject matter for a Halloween/fall color themed project. To pull this layout together, I used the November 11 sketch & a variety of papers from Authentique's "Nightfall" collection.
Monday, November 11, 2019
This is my latest project for Use Your Stuff where we were asked to use the colors red, brown, and gold on our projects. I decided to feature pictures I took of my cousin and I at our favorite fall festival of the season; the Sauerkraut Festival. At this festival, everything, and I repeat EVERYTHING is made with sauerkraut from pizza to donuts. Featured in this layout is my red, brown, and gold German Sundae which is a baked potato with sauerkraut, cheese, sour cream, bacon bits, and an olive. Not only do we go for the incredible food, but also for the crafts. We have found some interesting, one of a kind items during our annual trips. To pull this project together, I used a variety of red, brown, and gold papers from Ella & Viv's "Fall Rustica" collection. In addition, I was inspired in my placement of papers on this layout from the following sketch from my former design team 2 Broke Girls.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
This is my latest project for Creative Inspiration using the following sketch. With this sketch focusing on a picture in the middle of the circle, I wanted to use a photo that not only was extremely clear, but also meant something important to me. Once I started scanning my photos, I knew exactly which one I wanted to use for this project; the coffee cup. This is not any coffee cup; this is my first morning coffee in Costa Rica. Every morning of our trip, I would literally climb a mountain to reach the restaurant at our resort to get my first cup of coffee. Once I was finally reached the restaurant, I would find a table overlooking the Pacific, catch my breath, and enjoy every single second of my morning. The only word that I can muster that describes my morning ritual in Costa Rica is magical. To pull this project together, I used a variety of papers from Graphic 45's "Lost in Paradise" line to give the project a tropical vibe.
Friday, November 1, 2019
HOCO 2019
This is my latest project for Sketchy Board Challenges using the following sketch. For this project, I was inspired by this picture I took of my daughter and her group of best friends before their freshman Homecoming Dance. They had no clue I was taking their pic, and I love the looks on their faces as they are talking to each other. Even better, I had my camera on a black and white filter which I think gave it an even more beautiful feel. To pull this project together, I used a variety of blue and gold papers from Scrapbook Customs "Navy Mustard" line.
Monday, October 28, 2019
This is my latest project for Use Your Stuff where we were to create a project using at least three different types of leaves. One of my favorite pictures taken on my daughter's Homecoming dance night was this one. This girl has been a rock for my daughter. She's a girl of few words, but she is always there for her whether it be for soccer encouragement, helping her get to class while she navigates the high school halls with a mammoth leg cast, or homework help. She is definitely a blessing to our family. With the colors of the picture, I thought it would be perfect for a fall themed page. My leaves come in a variety of forms ranging from patterned paper, gift tags that I repurposed as embellishments, and paper leaves. I was inspired by this sketch from my former design team "2 Broke Girls" to pull this project together.
Monday, October 21, 2019
This is my latest project for Sketches in Thyme using the following sketch. My daughter loves to play around with Snapchat filter. Last year, she took a series of Halloween themed ones wearing Harry Potter glasses. I loved them so much that I thought they would be perfect for a three picture layout, especially since I had exactly three pictures from her "photoshoot." To pull this project together, I used a variety of Fancy Pants paper from the "Howl" collection.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
This is my latest project for Creative Inspiration. I was in charge of this month's Technique, Tips, & Tricks tutorial. I decided to create my own sheet of patterned paper for my technique. My daughter's soccer team is blue and white, but I often have problems finding soccer themed papers that have her exact color of blue. So I decided to make my own. I punched out hexagon shapes and taped them using masking tape to a piece of white cardstock in various spots. I took a black ink pad and dabbed various layers across the paper. Once I was done with that, I took the hexagons off and using a toothbrush, I flecked blue paint all over the paper. When the blue paint dried, I secured the paper to the layout. It was as easy as that, and I finally have a piece of soccer themed paper that matches my daughter's school colors. When putting this project together, I used the Creative Inspiration Sunday October 14 sketch as a guide.
Monday, October 14, 2019
This is my latest project for Use Your Stuff where we were to make a project with a pumpkin theme. I love to scrap Halloween anything! So I knew exactly what I wanted to do for my pumpkin project. These are pics of my girls when they were tiny carving their pumpkins. They always took the task so seriously. Although my youngest was a bit squeamish digging out pumpkin guts; notice the rubber gloves... To pull this project together, I used a variety of Halloween themed paper from American Craft along with a sketch from my former design team "2 Broke Girls."
Sunday, October 13, 2019
This is my latest project for Creative Inspiration using the following sketch. A month ago, my daughter broke her left tibia in a soccer game. She has faced the challenges of intense pain and a cast up to her thigh like a warrior. With all the physical heartache my daughter has endured in the past month, good has emerged. So many people have rallied around her. So many good vibes have been sent her way. And one of the most compassionate acts she's experienced was from her Homecoming date. Her date did a cute "proposal" a week before she broke her leg (a future layout...). When the bone was being set the day of the accident, we jokingly told the doctors, "Make sure you match her cast to her homecoming dress." She came out of the casting room with a black and red cast to match her homecoming dress and shoes! Fast forward to the night of the Homecoming dance, my daughter and her date were sitting down for a picture, he lifted up his pants to show us his matching red and black socks! It was truly one of the most heartwarming things I have ever seen. What an amazing young man to go the extra mile to help my daughter feel a little more comfortable the night of the dance. To pull this project together, I used a variety of red and black papers with flecks of gold to give the project an elegant feel. My favorite touch (a subtle one) is the black netting paper that looks like cast tape that I placed diagonally under the patterned papers.
Sunday, October 6, 2019
This is my latest project for Creative Inspiration using the following sketch. Back in June, my cousin and I took a girl's trip to Massachusetts. We definitely wanted to see Boston, but what we really wanted to do was tour Salem, Massachusetts. As a history teacher, seeing the place where the Salem Witch Trials took place was definitely a bucket list item. As I was researching the city, I also wanted to check out a store called "Hauswitch." The owner of Hauswitch , Erica Feldman, had written a book featured in my local newspaper, and I wanted to see it for myself. While I found the contents of her store intriguing, what I loved most about her story is how she made her dream of an interior design studio with a witchy vibe a reality in the creation of this store. Hauswitch is proof that if you dream it, it can happen. So this is a picture of me in Salem standing in front of the store I travelled over 860 miles to see! To pull this project together, I used a variety of papers from Authentique's "Nightfall" collection so that I thought gave a kitschy, witchy vibe.
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
This is my latest project for Sketchy Board Challenges using the following sketch. I was totally inspired by the gears and decided to create a project with a mechanical theme. I had another picture in mind at first, but then I found this one in my stash and knew it was perfect. My daughter had just gotten her convertible, and not only did she love cruising around in it, so did her sister and her dog. I knew it would be the perfect centerpiece for this sketch. To pull this project together, I used a variety of papers from Kaisercraft's "Workshop" collection. The cardstock gears came from an Etsy store while the smaller ones were purchased at the Hobby Lobby.
Monday, September 23, 2019
This is my latest project for Use Your Stuff where this week's challenge was to upcycle/recycle something on our project. This challenge kicked my butt. In my defense, my super athletic, soccer loving daughter blew out her tibia last weekend. My head has not been in a creative spot. But thank the Lord she is on the mend. And creatively, THANK THE LORD that her friends have bought her over $40 of Chick-Fil-A gift cards. As of last night, I had zero clue how to attack this project. Then, as I was watching my poor girl elevating her leg on my couch, I had visions of her waddling around in her chicken costume on her first Halloween. Suddenly, a connection was made; chicken costume = Chick-Fil-A! So I took the backing of one of the gift cards, turned it into a tag as an accent for my chicken/farm themed page complete with a feather boa ribbon. To pull this project together, I used papers from Doodlebug Design's "Down on the Farm" Collection. I was also inspired to arrange my papers from this sketch from my former design team "2 Broke Girls."

Saturday, September 21, 2019
This is my latest project for Sketches in Thyme using the following sketch. For this project that featured three photos accented by strips of paper, I decided to use pictures I took of three paintings my daughter created this summer. She absolutely loves our dogs. They are more than friends to her; they are her rocks that help her navigate through life. After a trip to Michael's where she got a screaming deal on acrylic boards, she was inspired to paint portraits of our dogs. These were the final results. To say I love them is an understatement. So I thought these three paintings would be the perfect subject for a layout calling for three pictures. To pull this project together, I used a variety of Valentine themed papers from Crate Paper's "La La Love" collection since the sketch called for hearts, & I absolutely love these paintings.
Friday, September 20, 2019
This is my latest project for Creative Inspiration's September Mini Crop. The theme was "Back To School," & we were asked to create a project with a school theme. I teach American History. One of my bucket list places to go was Boston, Massachusetts; the epicenter of the American Revolution. The one thing I wanted to do while in Boston was to go on the Freedom Trail that stops at important locations during the colonists' fight for independence. My dream came true, and the tour was incredible! I think it's important to add historical anecdotes into my lessons to help bring the content to life. My tour guide did NOT disappoint. So being the history nerd that I am, I asked to have my picture taken with him at the end of our trip. To pull this history theme project together, I used a combination of British and American theme papers because both places play a pivotal role in the history of Boston. In addition, I was inspired by the placement of papers in the Sunday Sketch September 8 sketch & followed it in pulling this project together.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
This is my latest project for Creative Inspiration using the following sketch. For this week's challenge, I was inspired by pictures my daughter took of herself with her soccer friends during team picture day. She is so excited to be playing for her High School team. She is even more excited wearing number 17; Tobin Heath's jersey number (her favorite US Women's Soccer player). To pull this project together, I used a variety of papers from Scrapbook Custom's "Pride" line because the colors were the same as my daughter's school colors.
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