Today was a bittersweet day in my paper scrapbook store, (actually not mine but the scrapbook store that I loved and was a member of their design team) officially shut it's doors. I've dreaded this day since I learned of the closing.....I loved being a member of the design team at Simply Scrapbooks. I loved getting a kit and trying to figure out what to do with it. I loved the creative outlet.....My scrapbooking hobby has been for the store for so long, that I've kind of forgotten how to scrap for me. So I took a little scrap hiatus during my grieving process for the store.. The last page I made was on Mother's Day (I will post it tomorrow).
So today, as I was perusing the Design Team Calls website, I found one for Child's Play Challenges. The site gives you a toy, game, book, etc. (something child related), and you have to make a page based on the toy. To be considered for the design team, the designer had to create a page based on my Dad's favorite toy from my childhood; the popcorn popper push toy.
My Mom always told me the story of how I would wake my Dad up on his only day off by going into their bedroom pushing my popcorn popper toy. I was an awesome alarm clock evidently! (My Dad didn't appreciate it, but I'm guessing he does now). I'm really not a primary color kind of girl (which is basically the colors used in the popcorn popper push toy). So I thought about it all day, and came up with the idea of the noise the toy makes. And then I thought of a picture I took about 2 weeks ago of my girls jumping into the pool... And then the creative juices started to flow again! Pool bubbles/popcorn balls. Noise from the toy/shouts of joy my kids make when school's out officially for summer. So the scrapbook page below was born! Make some noise!
I really enjoyed this challenge using a toy. I needed something to get me out of this funk I've been in since learning of the store's closing. So even if my design doesn't make the cut, it's my farewell to Simply. It's been a fun ride!